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Gen Z and Gen Alpha: The Invisible Money Generation

Children belonging to Generation Z (born 1995 to 2009) and Generation Alpha (those born since 2010) are citizens of a new world where currency is often invisible: tap and go payments, same day online ordering and delivery, in-game app purchases, electronic bank transfers and bitcoin are commonplace.

This year, The Curious Co partnered with the Financial Planning Association for Financial Planning Week (20-26 August 2018) to understand how the next generation interacts with money. As the generation most curious, confident, and comfortable with digital money, we wondered if (and how!) Australian parents are speaking to their children about money.

The Share the Dream research, involving 1,003 Australian parents of children aged 4 to 18, revealed that-thirds (66%) of parents agree digital money is making it harder for their children to grasp the value of real money. A further two thirds of parents (68%) are reluctant, to some degree, to speak to their kids about money. This is particularly driven by wanting to protect children from worries about money (and is particularly evident among younger parents, who feel the cost of living pressures the most and report the highest levels of financial stress).

The report also touches on the impact of financial stress on Gen Z and Gen Alpha, how prepared children are to navigate their financial future, things that stop parents from sharing positive money values, and how much pocket money Australian kids get to practice with every week.

Access the report

Access the full, 18-page Share the Dream report here.

What do the invisible money generation have to say about money?

Behind the scenes: Capturing the invisible money generation

About the Curious Co

The Curious Co is a strategic social trends consultancy led by social researcher, Eliane Miles.

We bring expertise and wisdom to organisations who want to be at the forefront of change and innovation.

Our advisory, insight, and storytelling services challenge perspectives so that expansion is possible. We build organisational confidence which leads to good decision-making, great results, and ultimately, growth. Discover more about The Curious Co at

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